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Begini Bukti “E-mail” Lengkap Dugaan Kartel Yamaha-Honda - 10/01/2017, 14:33 WIB
Febri Ardani Saragih


Jakarta, KompasOtomotif — Analisis tim investigator Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) atas dugaan kartel antara Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing (YIMM) dan Astra Honda Motor (AHM) dikuatkan dari dua bukti e-mail internal YIMM. Kedua e-mail itu bertanggal 28 April 2014 dan 10 Januari 2015.

Begini isi lengkapnya menurut presentasi tim investigator pada sidang lanjutan pembacaan kesimpulan di kantor KPPU di Jakarta, Senin (9/1/2017):

“Please find attached the IDN price comparasion material presented by YMC at Asean Mtg just after GEC.

As you can notice, prices of some models are lower Honda, such as Vixion, Fino, etc.
We need to send message to Honda that Yamaha follows H price increase to countermeasure exchange rate fractuation / labor cost increase as a common issue for the industry.

So please review the current pricing and wher there is a room, please adjust the price. I understand that to maintain the volume, if necessary, we use the amount of price increase for promotion of the models at least for the time being.

Thanks, Kojima

(see attached file : Price position IDN 2014.Pptx)

E-mail di atas dikirimkan pada 28 April 2014 dari Presiden Direktur YIMM Yoichiro Kojima kepada Executive Vice President Dyonisius Beti serta diteruskan ke grup manajemen pemasaran.

Menurut salah satu anggota tim investigator KPPU, Helmi Nurjamil, e-mail tersebut sudah diklarifikasi kepada Kojima. “Yang bersangkutan memang mengiyakan bahwa pernah mengirimkan e-mail ini,” ucap Helmi.

Sebagai catatan, jabatan Kojima sebagai Presiden Direktur YIMM digantikan oleh Minoru Morimoto mulai 2016.

E-mail kedua

Bukti selanjutnya dari KPPU adalah e-mail kedua yang dikirimkan Direktur Marketing YIMM Yutaka Terada kepada Dyonisius dan Direktur Sales YIMM Sutarya. Berikut isinya:

“I have just heard from Mr Iida that Dyon san and Sutarya san discussed while I was not in the office on 8th Jan to increase Retail Price to follow Honda as Honda increased retail price from Januari 2015.

But I do not completely agree with retail price increase to follow Honda

1. Presiden Kojima san has requested us to follow Honda price increase many times since Januari 2014 because of his promise with Mr. Inuma President of AHM at Golf Course. As we know this is illegal. We never follow such price negotiation process. YMC also educated all employees not to negotiate prices with competitors.
2. Yamaha should decide our retail price by our own marketing strategy.
3. I can agree with only Soul GT and Jupiter MX as we need to make smooth step up to new models for these 2 models.
4. First we need to fight back to fight back and to increase market share especially in the beginning of 2015.
5. And I do not agree to discuss retail price matter at CMM. Once we did like this we will be requested to do same at CMM.

Thank U and Regards…….


Jawaban Honda dan Yamaha

Kuasa hukum AHM menyatakan, e-mail ini tidak membuktikan adanya kartel. Sebab, pihaknya merasa tidak pernah menerima e-mail tersebut sebagai bentuk komunikasi dan menjadi landasan terbentuknya perjanjian atau kesepakatan.

Sementara itu, kuasa hukum Yamaha menganggap bukti e-mail 28 April 2014 tidak sah karena bukan merupakan produk sah pengambilan keputusan dan tidak pernah dikomunikasikan ke AHM. 

Berikut artikel sebelumnya terkait persidangan pembacaan kesimpulan:
1. Kesimpulan Investigator KPPU, Yamaha-Honda Terbukti Kartel
2. Kesimpulan Yamaha Menolak Tuduhan Kartel
3. Kesimpulan Honda, Tidak Ada Kartel dengan Yamaha 

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